Old Ford? Come experience GREAT customer service!

Have you had enough of poor customer service and lack of technical knowledge when it comes to your old Ford? Believe me we know what it's like. If you're like most people, you probably start off full of drive and excitement, and making good progress on your project for a few weeks or months, but then - Murphy gets busy annoying you! As soon as you get one thing sorted another pops up, you get distracted and your project gets dumped in the too hard basket. And to make matters worse, there's always that one person who keeps asking you how your restoration is going, and you know they're having a good old laugh at your expense. You end up feeling confused and overwhelmed by all the technical jargon and mechanical issues you just don't understand.

Until recently the only solution for amateur mechanics trying to break through the restoration problem on an old Ford, was to either obtain a full-time flathead mechanic somewhere or to hire a restoration company to do it for you. The problem with this option is that expert flathead mechanics are hard to find, and even if you do manage to find one willing to help you out, you'll be looking at upwards of $100 per hour, which is simply out of reach for most old ford owners. And it's for this reason that I'm pleased to reveal C&G Ford Parts has free technical help for its customers and we are staffed with folks that currently own or have owned old Ford cars or old Ford trucks!

Here at C&G Ford Parts we've been helping old Ford owners with their restoration needs and supplies for over 40 years! And what we've proven over and over in our business is that the easiest and most reliable way to finish up your project is by adding a go to guy to your toolbox. It's literally the difference between a frustrating and annoying project and a "life changing, quit your job" kind of result. (ok, maybe not quit your job). With C&G Ford Parts lending their expertise and supplying your parts you'll be able to restore your vehicle with the fun and excitement you had hoped it would bring! If you get stuck you always know all you need to do is dial us up or drop us an email and we'll be there! Now what makes our service different from any other parts service out there is that there's NO additional costs - No out today fees, no added shipping fees, no waiting for days for a tech to call back AND you're covered for as long as you're a customer!

Let's take a look at how C&G Ford Parts helps you. Our customers enjoy:

  • Free tech support from old ford owners
  • Friendly live person customer service
  • Best reproduction parts available
  • Over 100 manufacturers
  • Worldwide shipping

This is just a taste of what people are already saying about C&G Ford Parts:

----- Well organized, responsive, helpful in planning parts needs for specific project —Lawrence G.

----- How quick and efficient can you guys get?!! —Terry M.

So, You've wasted enough of your time, energy, and sanity on trying to fix those irritating issues by yourself! You can finally put an end to all your frustration and disappointment simply by giving C&G Ford parts a call, email or web form question. Just imagine waking up in the morning, opening your mailbox, and finding your parts order no matter where you are in the world. You smile to yourself as you realize the fun an old car can be when you have the right help. So pick up the phone or computer mouse and let us fill your old ford parts order quickly and efficiently.